The other day, I was asked to write something about my own transformation, from being a chubby, junk food addicted, highschooler/college student to a well informed, active and healthy young adult. I'm not going to lie- I used to drink Pepsi and eat snack packs like it was my job. My regular breakfast consisted of a large Chocolate Chip and sugar encrusted Muffin from Dunkin Donuts, along with a Large, Iced Caramal Latte, Extra Sweet, with whipped cream on top. This lasted throughout most of College as well, because even though I became a Vegetarian in the fall of my Sophomore year, I still had little restricting me from large quantities of sugar, dairy, cheese and fast food. I was the typical College student- Loved Pizza, chinese food, Ramen Noodles, Pop Tarts, Sugary Cereals and survived off LOTS Of coffee and sugary energy drinks. Every year I gained more weight, but I also gained more knowledge from my frustration. I would research healthy recipes and vegetarianism and collect recipe books... but I would make excuses that I just didnt have enough time to exercise.
Throughout college I took 5 to 6 classes each semester and worked 2 to 3 jobs at the same time. I was an active sorority sister and philanthropist--- I was extremely busy. I didn't stay up all night partying, and honestly didn't drink that much, but the combination of my food choices, and excuses for not exercising were catching up to me, and before I knew it, I was graduating college at 155 pounds. I went from my highschool weight of 120 to gaining an extra 35 pounds in 5 years.
I decided enough was enough. I had all the tools to live a healthy and happy lifestyle, and I wasn't going to make any excuses anymore.
I started reading, researching, and watching youtube videos on health, diet, and exercise. I collaborated ideas with friends, asking about diets that worked and exercises they knew were effective...and then in January of this past year, I took the plunge- I became Vegan. I knew about all the fats and sugars and extra calories that were in my favorite milk, cheese and egg dishes, and I had enough information to know how to supplement and replace those items with dishes that were healthier and just as delicious. I cut out all animal products and animal bi-products from my diet. That was step one. I dropped 5 pounds in a month!
Step two was really getting serious about exercise. I never enjoyed exercise and always made excuses why I couldnt do it: The gym was expensive. It was too far away to drive. I don't have enough time to do a "full" workout. I'm too tired. I'll do it tonight. I'll do it tomorrow. I walked to class, so that counts. I didn't eat -that- bad today.
I had to tell myself... SHUT UPPPP!!!! I was straight up lying to myself and I knew it. My complexion sucked, i was fat, unhappy and unhealthy.
After college, I was fortunate to be working full time at a job that had a small gym downstairs with a few treadmills, an eliptical, a bike, some weight lifting machines, yoga balls, and resistance bands. I decided I would set my alarm to 6am, go to work in my gym clothes, work out and change there to be upstairs and at work by 8am. I joined a work Healthy Team Challenge for a 3 month period, and when that was about to end, I joined a Biggest Loser Competition at work as well. I went to the gym for an hour every morning, at first, speed walking on the treadmill, then jogging, learning how to do intervals, and long uphill speedwalking. I changed it up a little every day, and then started incorporating weight lifting. I looked up simple exercises I could do with resistance bands for my arms, back, chest, and legs- and incorporated those exercises into my routine.
I knew that in order to keep myself excited about exercising, I would have to have consistancy, but I would also need to switch things up enough to keep it fun! I joined some Zumba and Pilates classes at the local YMCA and started doing that a couple times a week.
I thought of things I always wanted to do that were healthy for me: Learn how to hoola hoop and learn Yoga. I got myself a cheap hoola hoop to pracitce at home and joined Yoga at Love&Healing, in Trumbull. It was enlightening, and in the first class I could already tell that my posture was inproving and that the stretches and exercises were toning my muscles. Plus it was SUPER relaxing!
Nobody likes to run. If you do, you're lying or you're a freak, sorry! haha... no, but seriously, nobody says "Man, I just can't wait to run today! I love that feeling that my heart is about to give up and I'm so hot and sweaty that I just want to die!" Noone. says. that. But, it's just a great way to get in shape! If you love the outdoors, go to your favorite hiking trails and incorporate that. If you live by the beach, run along it! If you have a school by your house, run the track! It's free, and its great for you. If you have a bike, do that too! Like to rollerskate/rollerblade? Get on it! Skateboard? Sure! There is so much you can be doing to better yourself for little to no money at all. Just be active. Once I learned that, and got into the routine, it became natural. I wasnt making excuses anymore- I was just waking up and going.
and you know what? I had enough hours in the day. And my energy was improving! I wasn't falling asleep at my desk anymore, becasue my body was up and moving. The key is to find things you enjoy, get into a routine (we are extreme creature of habit) and stick with it! If you tell yourself you're not going to be able to do it, you wont, and if you tell yourself you can, you WILL! Don't stress. You're blessed :) Think about all that you have, how lucky you are, and how much your health and yourself matter!