Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Types of Vegetarians

When transitioning into your new lifestyle it is good to know that not everything is so black and white. You may not be just Vegetarian or Not Vegetarian. There are varying levels to the lifestyle depending on how you choose to nourish your body. In this post I am going to touch on a few of the more popular routes.

Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian: If you are lacto-ovo that means you eat Eggs, Milk, and Dairy along with Vegetables. These vegetarians don't eat Red Meat, White Meat, or Fish. Most vegetarians are Lacto-Ovo.

Pescatarian: A Pescatarian is a Vegetarian who does not eat any Red Meat or White Meat, but will consume Fish. They may be a Lacto-ovo Pescatarian, or they may not consume dairy or eggs at all depending on what they prefer.

Vegan: Vegans are Vegetarians who do not eat White Meat, Red Meat, Fish, or any Animal Bi-Products. Animal bi-products means anything that comes from or is produced by an animal, such as milk, cheese, eggs, honey, etc.

Raw-Foodist: A raw-foodist is someone who does exactly what is says: eats raw food. Although there are a few raw-foodists who consume meat (raw meat), it is more typical for raw foodists to also be Vegan. Raw Foodists only eat food in the raw. If it is processed or cooked in some way, they usually will not consume it. Many raw foodists do not use Stoves, Microwaves etc, but some use Dehydraters to "cook" their food.

So now you know the difference between Vegetarians and Vegans, right? You'll get that question a lot. One thing that a lot of Vegetarians have to deal with, during this transition, are the questions from people around you. Your families and friends will certainly be interested in your lifestyle change; some will be opposed. Don't let their questioning bring you down- if you are well-informed, you might be able to teach them something new. So go out there and find those answers!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mmmmmm! Food!

There are tons of easy and fun food options for beginning vegetarians that make the transition a lot easier to handle. Think simple. We don't JUST eat SALADS (although there are a lot of fun salads to make!)

Today, I am going to give you some tips for easy, on the go, out to eat, or day to day foods for the veggie-lover inside of you.

On-the-go (Quick meals/snacks)
-Grilled Cheese Sandwich: That's right, just grill a few pieces of bread with some cheese on a skillet and stick 'em together. Heat up a bowl of Tomato Soup on the side, and you're set!
*Wanna spruce up that grilled cheese? Slice a few tomato slices and add some baby spinach, a sprinkle of garlic powder and basil, and you have yourself an italian, melt-in-your-mouth grilled cheese!

-Mac n' cheese: Whether its from the box, or home made with fresh pasta and melted cheeses, its one of my favorites!
*Wanna spice it up? Add some bac'n bits (YES! They are vegetarian!) and black pepper, or get some Smartdogs, or Tofu Pups (vegetarian hot-dogs) slice them up and add them in for some extra protein!

Also think about:
Breakfast: Oatmeal, Cereal, Protein Bars/drinks, French Toast, Eggs, Toast, Pancakes, Morningstar veggie sausage links or patties, Tofu-scramble or Tofu-quiche, and Smoothies.

Lunch: Veggie Burgers and Veggie-dogs, Pizza, BLT sandwich with Morningstar 'Facon", and Salads ( spruce them up with your favorite cheeses, crutons, dressings and veggies or fruit!

Dinner: Veggie Stir-fry with tofu, snap peas, baby corn, carrots, broccoli, and rice or noodles, Tofu-loaf ( like meat loaf, but better!), Tacos, burritos, enchiladas or fajitas with rice and beans, and guacamole, Quorn chik'n patties or grilled chicken in any dish you please, and Pasta dishes galore!

Soon, I will be posting fun recipes that I enjoy making and, of course, eating! But for now, have fun and start experimenting with food!

Friday, May 27, 2011

First Steps ( Baby Steps!)

*As with Any Lifestyle Change, it is good to Research Research Research! There are many helpful sites on the web, books in the library, and friends on local forums who can help you become informed and knowledgeable in becoming a vegetarian.

The first steps to becoming vegetarian may depend on where you are in your life right now, and what kinds of food your body is used to. The key thing to remember is- Baby Steps. Don't feel like you have to go completely "Cold Turkey," because it may not be the most healthy way to go.

For instance, I was never a big "Red Meat" eater. (Cow, Pork products such as burgers, steaks, hams etc.) I would eat the occasional burger, hot dog, or ham during holidays, but would never cook them for myself. White meat was an easy source of protein for me. I ate Chicken, Turkey, and Fish pretty frequently, fish being the most common protein of my diet. I was also a High Sugar eater- which means, I like sweets! This is something to seriousssly consider before just jumping off to Veggie Land.

TIP--> You Must be Super Careful Balancing your Sugars and Proteins. Too much sugar Vs. Too little protein, and you're gonna feel dizzy, woozy, fainty and snoozy.

My best advice is to Take Things Slow. First, start eliminating Red Meats from your diet. These are the most Fatty of the meats anyway, so you'll also probably start shedding calories and pounds. Instead of a hamburger at the local restaurant, grab a veggie burger with sweet potatoe fries!

Once you've given yourself a few weeks to become comfortable with giving up Red Meats, start concentrating on giving up White Meats. This is one of the most difficult things for people switching to vegetarianism, simply because Chicken is so convenient and versatile to cook and eat.

But Guess what?? There are substitute Chicken products out there that look and taste like chicken, contain the same or more proteins and vitamins, are the same price or cheaper than the meat you buy, and are healthier for you! You can start transitioning these foods into your favorite chicken dishes, and also try Firm Tofu, TVP (textured vegetable protein) and Tempeh to add new proteins to your life!

This whole process of eliminating Red and White meats might take a month, considering how motivated you are. Its important to let your body get used to your new lifestyle, but its even more important to let your Mind get used to your new lifestyle. You have to start Thinking like a vegetarian to become a successful vegetarian. You'll have to start making choices, some of them not easy, and develop new mental and emotional strengths to overcome challenges. It might not be the easiest route, but after that first month, baby you've made it! Once you realize , Hey, I've gone a month without eating meat! You'll feel good about it, and soon, you'll hardly even think about it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why become vegetarian?

There are many reasons to say YES to a Vegetarian Lifestyle. Here is a small list to start you off:

1. You can lose weight! Have you been through every diet on the block? Becoming vegetarian might be the lifestyle change you need! Eating fresh vegetables, vegetable and soy protein, and including eggs and dairy, if you wish, can help boost immune system levels, provide your body with the nutrients it needs, and eliminate the extra fats and sugars your body can do without! Plus, it's super heart-healthy!

2.It is Environmentally Friendly! Thousands of miles of rainforrest are cut down each year because of cattle-raising for beef. Cattle farms produce so much waste, as in excrement, that it permanently damages the ground and runs into the water systems, polluting the land and water alike. Once the land is destroyed, more rainforrest needs to be cut to supply more land for the cattle. Land provided for vegetable growth can be used over and over, and does not pollute the air, land, and water.

3. Because of #2, we could End World Hunger.

4. Animals have feelings too! Maybe you have a pet cat, dog, fish, or reptile. Do you love them? Do you think they love you? Of course they do. Animals have feelings, and if you really think about it, so do Cows, Chickens, Pigs, and all animals. Sure, they might not have the same mental capacities that humans do, but no one wants to die. You can help animals live happy and healthy lives, and eat veggies instead!

5. It's fun! You will be opened up to a new and exciting lifestyle. Cooking will be more fun, you can try foods you never thought about before, and share your knowledge with others!

So how do you get started? Well, that's the next step. For now, just think about these five reasons, and really consider how awesome your life can be , helping yourself and others!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Have you ever thought about becoming a vegetarian? Do you think it might be hard? In this blog I will give you daily tips to help you learn about a vegetarian lifestyle that you might want to incorporate into your life. Here you will find delicious recipes, tips for transitioning to a veg. lifestyle, and reasons why being veg can help you and others!