Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why become vegetarian?

There are many reasons to say YES to a Vegetarian Lifestyle. Here is a small list to start you off:

1. You can lose weight! Have you been through every diet on the block? Becoming vegetarian might be the lifestyle change you need! Eating fresh vegetables, vegetable and soy protein, and including eggs and dairy, if you wish, can help boost immune system levels, provide your body with the nutrients it needs, and eliminate the extra fats and sugars your body can do without! Plus, it's super heart-healthy!

2.It is Environmentally Friendly! Thousands of miles of rainforrest are cut down each year because of cattle-raising for beef. Cattle farms produce so much waste, as in excrement, that it permanently damages the ground and runs into the water systems, polluting the land and water alike. Once the land is destroyed, more rainforrest needs to be cut to supply more land for the cattle. Land provided for vegetable growth can be used over and over, and does not pollute the air, land, and water.

3. Because of #2, we could End World Hunger.

4. Animals have feelings too! Maybe you have a pet cat, dog, fish, or reptile. Do you love them? Do you think they love you? Of course they do. Animals have feelings, and if you really think about it, so do Cows, Chickens, Pigs, and all animals. Sure, they might not have the same mental capacities that humans do, but no one wants to die. You can help animals live happy and healthy lives, and eat veggies instead!

5. It's fun! You will be opened up to a new and exciting lifestyle. Cooking will be more fun, you can try foods you never thought about before, and share your knowledge with others!

So how do you get started? Well, that's the next step. For now, just think about these five reasons, and really consider how awesome your life can be , helping yourself and others!

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